About the U.S. Beet Sugar Association
Founded in 1911, the United States Beet Sugar Association (USBSA) works to advance the unified objectives of America’s sugarbeet cooperatives. The organization’s vision is to ensure a vibrant and sustainable beet sugar industry as a critical element of America’s economy. Members of USBSA are the eight manufacturers of beet sugar in the U.S., which operate 20 factories that process refined sugar from sugarbeets grown in 11 states. The U.S. beet sugar processing industry is 100% farmer-owned cooperative in structure, and every factory operates with organized union workers.
The Association represents the industry before the legislative and executive branches of the federal government and monitors related activities in the nation’s capital. It communicates to its membership concerning issues appropriate to the Association’s mission and helps coordinate activities of mutual interest with other segments of the domestic sugar industry as well as other agri-business and farm commodity groups.
The United States Beet Sugar Association is represented by Cassie Bladow as the President and CEO, Carrie Vicenta Meadows as Vice President of Government Affairs, and Laurel Mills as the Director of Operations. The Association’s policies are determined by a Board of Trustees composed of a senior management officer from each member-company.

Our Mission
To advance the unified objectives of America’s sugarbeet cooperatives.
Our Vision
To ensure a vibrant and sustainable beet sugar industry as a critical element of America’s economy.